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Spiritual Reading List

Books That Will Change Your Life

I am The Word channeled by Paul Selig

The Book of Love and Creation channeled by Paul Selig

The Book of Knowing and Worth channeled by Paul Selig

All books by Paul Selig

​Paul Selig 

 One day the Book of Love and Creation appears in my inbox: I do not know how or why, but following the message, I buy the audible version and start listening. Paul's background is pretty interesting. He was for most of his adult life a popular NYU professor of writing. He kept his growing psychic and healing talents to himself and a small group of like minded friends for obvious reasons. But pretty soon he is becoming more and more famous for his mediumship and how much he helps people, until one day...

The Guides zoom in.

And as soon as I start listening to The Book of Love and Creation, the Guides zoom in to my consciousness. I get a loud, very high vibration in my ears. Omg!  So, of course I listen intently and learn these things:

We are constantly creating our reality with our choices, large and small and inbetween. With every fork in the road, uncertainty, or decision to be made, there is always a high choice. Choosing the high choice ALWAYS creates better outcomes; more love, abundance, joy and the ability to help others. 

They teach you how to hold the vibration of love.

Personally, they addressed my struggle to understand reality. They said that I will be best served by imagining that reality is a colossal, magnificent work of art, one that is constantly being created (by our choices) and we are both the art and the artists in this creation. I love this!

The main (perhaps only) impediment to actualization, healing, emerging from the push and pull and struggle of the material world is... fear. People are afraid. Afraid they won’t have enough. Afraid they are not worthy of love. Afraid they will fail. Afraid of losing someone. Afraid of getting a disease. Just afraid. Much of these wonderful books teach you how to transcend fear.  There is no greater spiritual gift than that.

Here’s the point for interested readers: If you start reading this book, or any of Paul’s channeled texts, the Guides zoom in and start adjusting you energetically; they adjust your consciousness so you might better grasp their teaching. YOU FEEL IT. You experience it energetically and it is pretty wonderful.

They also helped me when doing a loving kindness meditation. 


One time I was looking a man I know who suffers from chronic pain. He was one of the first responders after 911 and ever since then, he experiences horrible, apparently unrelenting pain. A wave of deep sympathy came over me; I felt my heart breaking. The Guides zoomed in, and told me instead of offering sympathy, they said, it is much more powerful to instead imagine this man as his best self: pain free, full of joy, laughter and love. This was more powerful! It is good advice for all of us, I think. Instead of feeling sorry for that homeless person,  take a moment to imagine them healthy, happy, and well. The Guides assure me this affects both the giver and receiver's energy field.

I have had dozens of miracles that have been orchestrated by the Guides.


Here is what happened: Mark is a successful and famous architect, an all-around lovely person. Hitting the big 50 birthday, he began having neuropathy in one hand and in both feet. Medical doctors were not able to help him or stop its progression, which became pretty debilitating.  Mark was frightened by it and tried valiantly to resist stopping work (work he loved) because of his increasing inability to manipulate a computer. He shows up at Paul’s seminar. He listens and occasionally experiences THE WISE ONES energetically.


Then while meditating, he asked for help. Suddenly a dark purple book appeared above him and he knew it was his neuropathy. It bursts into a thousand shooting lights, falling over him. THE WISE ONES tell Mark to take his good hand and hold his bad one. He does. A powerful wave of energy travels from the good hand to the bad one, up his arm and then down his body to his feet.


I witnessed this. Mark was crying; I was crying. Mark’s neuropathy was gone. He is a healthy fifty year old man again.  Mark was cured.


That is just one of many experiences people have with Paul Selig’s THE WISE ONE’S.

Recently this happened: I was driving to yoga and unexpectedly Paul Selig's guides zoomed in  and they told me to imagine people as God sees them--beautiful. I love this practice, but it wasn't, ah, convenient at the moment, as I was driving, but still I engaged my imagination and as I drove along suddenly all the drivers appeared as so beautiful! My heart burst open. I saw too,  that no one   realized how beautiful they were--the noise of life was drowning it out. This feeling overwhelmed me, when suddenly cars screeched to a halt. A homeless man in wheelchair is crossing the street. 


Omg. I know him! I have exchanged pleasantries with him for decades--in fact last time I saw Lennie I said, "Lennie, do you realize we have known each other for decades?"


He laughed and said, "And Jennifer you are a special person to know."


Presently Lennie is stuck in the middle of busy street and drivers are impatient, trying to go around him. He is waving them around. I pull over to help and soon Lennie and I are on sidewalk. I ask if he is okay? He says yes and then, he asked me, "Can you do me a favor?" 


"Of course," I replied, still sensing  a powerful love, now bouncing between Lennie and I. "What do you need?"


He asks, strangely: "You're right handed, right?"


Yes, I nod. Though my right arm has recently accrued nerve damage from an odd bout of shingles. I say odd because I rarely, if ever get sick. The shingles only  lasted two days, but there was this lingering soreness and weakness which was not that big of a deal, except it was interfering with my yoga practice. 


Anyway I watched as Lennie began unwinding these grimy strips of cloth  around his hand and arm. I am thinking he wants me to bind these tighter for him, but no. He offered his hand for a shake. Smiling, I shake his arm.  


A magical tinkling shoots up my right arm. I feel it. Soreness is gone. Nerve damage gone. My eyes fill with tears as Lennie tells me to have a nice day and he rolls away. 

This is Paul's guides at work. Find them through the channeled texts--that's my best advice.

Books inform my spiritual consciousness and I am, if anything, a voracious reader. I have read many wonderful and powerful books on yoga, buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, spiritualism, other religions and metaphysics.


The Seth Books stand out. I wish every living being would read these books--the world would change over night. These mind blowing texts were channeled through the late Jane Roberts back in the 1970s. I recommend all of them, but especially the first two to start: Seth Speaks and The Nature of Personal Reality.  Believe me, your soul will recognize the compelling Truth on these pages--a metaphysical understanding of reality. You will finally know why you are here, the nature of consciousness and the meaning you bring to life. In one of Seth books, Mass Events, he predicts the 2020 pandemic: He first said because of a growing segment of the population becoming disenfranchised, there will be a huge mass protest. (The Women's March.) If this protest is ignored by the powers that be, a pandemic will follow. The pandemic will not unite people; it will divide them further based on... the role of vaccines. Yes, this is just one of the many amazing revelations in these miraculous texts.

I also highly recommend the channeled texts by Paul Selig, beginning with I Am The Word and the Book of Love and Creation. The Guides Melchizedek zoom in upon you opening the  first chapter. They assess your consciousness, see where you are at on your soul's journey and then begin enhancing your consciousness via attunements for greater understanding of your soul's path.  Continue reading the ten beautifully written and powerful additional books as the Guides flood you with light. If you find them difficult,  no worries. You can also listen to them on audible at 1.5. These texts work energetically; they are transmitting very high light into your auric field and every time you read them, the texts shapeshift. Just keep at it and your understanding, wisdom and light will grow.


 These books, too, will rock your world and change your life, I promise.

The Seth Books by Jane Roberts. The most powerful books I've ever read. Metaphysics explained. Questions answered. Problems solved. Find these books.

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